The eleventh day, of the eleventh month, in the eleventh hour, an armistice ended World War One and would be commemorated on the calendar as Veterans Day. Texans have served with distinction in the armed forces , many earning the Medal of Honor – the nation’s highest award for valor.
Around San Antonio, we see names on our maps commemorating some of these heroes. While the roll of honor is extensive, here are a few you might recognize from their place names in Military City, USA.
Lucian Adams

Lucian Adams
A stretch of IH-37 is named the Lucian Adams Freeway. Adams earned the Medal of Honor with actions in World War II. His unit was reestablishing contact and supply lines to an isolated battalion when they came up against a hardened German position. Adams broke off from his unit and charged into the woods, neutralizing nine enemy combatants from a specialized unit that was armed with machine guns and grenade launchers. His actions single-handedly broke the enemy line restoring contact and supply lines to relieve the surrounded battalion.
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United States Army – Infantry
WWII – Date of action: Oct. 28, 1944 near St. Die, France
Roy Benavidez

Roy Benavidez
Roy Benavidez Elementary School is in the South San Antonio Independent School District. Benavidez distinguished himself in the Vietnam War, as he facilitated extractions of wounded soldiers from an operations area. He sustained multiple life-threatening wounds, but continued to run into the jungle to extract his fellow soldiers from combat.
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United States Army – Special Forces
Vietnam War – Date of action: May 2, 1968, west of Loc Ninh, Cambodia
William Bordelon

William Bordelon
A section of IH-37 near downtown San Antonio is named for this Medal of Honor recipient, who distinguished himself at the Battle of Tarawa in World War II. A student at Central Catholic High School, the Buttons take great pride in their alumnus, as the JROTC department named its precision shooting team the Bordelon Rifles in his honor. Bordelon’s actions included destroying multiple machine gun positions, providing covering fire for a Marine unit scaling a seawall, and rescuing men from drowning in the surf.
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United States Marine Corps
World War II – Date of action: Nov. 20, 1943, Tarawa, Gilbert Islands
Awarded posthumously
Milton Lee

Milton Lee
A section of IH-10, west of San Antonio, is named in honor of this hero, who distinguished himself in Vietnam. A radio operator, he continued to provide the command element of his unit with clear information on hostilities in his area of operations. Upon spotting an impending ambush, he charged and neutralized an enemy squad. Wounded, he continued to press the attack, enabling his unit to overrun the enemy position.
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United States Army – Airborne
Vietnam War – Date of action: April 26, 1968 near Phu Bai, Thua Thien Province, Vietnam
Awarded posthumously
Jose Lopez

Jose Lopez
San Antonio’s Northeast Independent School District named a middle school in honor of Jose M. Lopez. His citation describes how he laid down machine gun fire and continued to relocate around the battlefield, carrying his heavy machine gun, to reinforce American positions. On two occasions, he escaped serious injury from enemy shelling. His aggression of action neutralized an estimated 100 enemies and prevented his unit from being surrounded.
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United States Army – Infantry
World War II – Date of action: Dec. 17, 1944 near Krinkelt, Belgium
Audie Murphy

Audie Murphy
San Antonio’s Veterans Affairs hospital is named for Audie Murphy of Kingston, Texas; the most decorated soldier in American history. His Medal of Honor citation details how he began a battle by directing artillery fire. He remained in place and continued to direct fire, even as enemy forces drew up to his position. Murphy climbed atop a wrecked tank and used its machine gun to neutralize advancing enemy forces. Though taking fire from three sides, and receiving an injury, he caused the enemy advance to falter. Murphy continued to accumulate military honors through his service. He later played himself in a movie about his life.
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United States Army – Infantry
World War II – Date of action: January 26, 1945 near Holtzwihr, France
Cleto Rodriguez

Cleto Rodriguez
A stretch of Highway 90 bears the name Cleto Rodriguez Freeway. Rodriguez distinguished himself in the Philippines campaign of World War II. His actions neutralized 82 enemy fighters and disabled or destroyed enemy weapon positions, facilitating the advance of American forces and eventual victory in Luzon.
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United States Army – Infantry
World War II – Date of action: February 9, 1945, Manila, Luzon, Philippines