Twenty-four flags of nations representing Texas’ earliest settlement groups are outlined here. We attempt to answer some of the...
Here you will find a wide array of primary/secondary educational resources, Tricentennial information, collections and research available for your use in the classroom. All of our lesson plans and hands-on activities meet TEKS requirements in Social Studies and can be adapted to meet individual classroom needs. They are available in PDF form.
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Be sure to also check out the resources and publications available through the UTSA Special Collections and our Collection’s Blog, for additional information.
To access our current SA300 Resource List and opportunities click below:
Twenty-four flags of nations representing Texas’ earliest settlement groups are outlined here. We attempt to answer some of the...
The Tejano experience includes working to create a more just society through struggles for educational rights, worker’s rights, and...
In this lesson students will learn about the use of geometric circles and triangles in pre-Columbian art and Mexican...
This lesson plan uses primary sources to provide an introduction to Cowboy Culture in Texas.
This lesson plan introduces fourth grade students to Texas Pioneer Culture using primary sources.
This engaging activity includes images and documents intended to inspire outdoor education and participation, while focusing on the geography...
This activity allows students to participate, imagine, compare, contrast and immerse themselves in a nineteenth century frontier fort.
This unique learning experience allows your students to explore what classroom life was like for students living in rural...
This unique learning experience allows students to follow a day in the life of Domingo Leal, a ten-year-old boy...
Twenty-four flags of nations representing Texas’ earliest settlement groups are outlined in this activity.